Tuesday, August 29, 2017

DNA confirmed: Identical

And let me tell you, I'm seriously shocked.  They look so different to me.  But the more I talked to the twins moms in my group who did the DNA testing kit, I thought I might as well try it.  That way I would know if they were fraternal or identical. I'm amazed by how many randoms will stop me and be like 'they must be identical' and I'd be like, no they are fraternal.  2 sacs/ 2 placentas di/di. about a less than 20% chance they would be identical.  Both girls are O+ .   But then I was like ....well...maybe....so what the heck.  We ordered the kit, it came, we sent it back and found out results today.  It's funny how it makes me feel.  Like whoa.


Dear Mrs. Weaver:


Our laboratory has successfully completed your zygosity test and your test results have been mailed. Thank you for your interest in our zygosity testing services. As requested when you placed your order, we have included a copy of your test results in this email.



Robert Jackson, Business Manager


---- COPY OF TEST RESULTS #23293-170810 ----


We are pleased to report to you the results of the twin zygosity test that you requested. Analysis of the DNA indicates that Riley Adaline Weaver and Vivian Rose  Weaver  are monozygotic, or more commonly referred to as identical twins.


We first isolated DNA from cheek cells from the swab kits that were returned to our lab. We amplified the DNA using a technique called PCR. Next, we analyzed 15 standard DNA markers used in human identity (D3S1358, TH01, D21S11, D18S51, Penta-E, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, D16S539, CSF1PO, Penta-D, vWA, D8S1179, TPOX and FGA) and determined that the highly variable DNA markers were the same for both twins. Thus, there is greater than a 99.9% probability that the twins are monozygotic.


As stated in our testing Terms and Conditions, these test results are not qualified for any medical or legal purpose. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about these test results.


Thank you for choosing Proactive Genetics.




Proactive Genetics, Inc.

149 Davis Road, Suite C

Augusta, GA 30907



~Zygosity Testing Specialists~

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