Thursday, June 25, 2015

Almost 15 months....

The girls had their 15 month check up Tuesday June, 23rd  and they are doing awesome!! Such happy girls!  Except when getting prodded.  

Riley : 
weight: 21.34 lbs - 28 %
Length: 29.25 inches - 37%
Head:  45.20 cm 31%

Weight: 21.59 lbs - 32%
Length 30 inches - 39%
Head:  46.20 cm  - 61%

Walking, blabbing, but no real words, besides 'oh!'  ma-ma- da-da ball ....

Very good eaters, lots of cheese, turkey, fruit, cottage cheese, apple sauce, veggies.  Great with sippy cups, trying to  get rid of their night time bottle, trying to use spoons....

Sweet and funny.  They go bonkers fighting over the see-n-say but other than that, just like to explore around and play with Luke's cars.

They can give high fives, blow kisses, turn on the light switches.

They are genuinely so excited to see Luke when we pick him up from TeddyBear.   All smiles.  And he still is a great big brother.

He goes through his threenager days of 'I don't want to brush my teeth and wash my face!' and the next day it's no problem. Just never know what you will get.  But at his sweetest, it really is the sweetest thing.  The unprompted 'I love you, mom'.   And I want to give you a kiss. 

We had the pleasure of attending Gretchen's wedding and everyone amazed when they were sitting at the table and being 'good'.  It just is them and it's no secret / tricks.    We all have our moments, but thinking the good far outweigh the bad.

I look forward to our next adventure in the new house and the room to play and be together.  They are all terrific!