Wednesday, September 23, 2015


We are more and more settled everyday.   The kids love all the space and everything our neighborhood has to offer.  We only went to the pool once - and that was hectic- daddy with Luke in the big pool going down the slide and me with the girls in the baby pool on floaty things.  They all loved it.  But less than an hour was perfect.
We have a great park we like to go play at and now the tennis courts are a big hit.  We can cage them all in, bring some balls & Frisbees, and they go wild.  Luke really loves the Frisbee disc course at the park as well.  He is getting pretty good.  He & daddy take golf cart rides and get a few holes in now and then.
The girls have been great sleepers but must be teething b/c the last couple of weeks they have been waking up. It was rough over the weekend staying at grandma & grandpa's for the night, but we got through it.
Luke has been needing us to lie down with him for a while, which makes for not a lot getting done but I wouldn't trade his sweet voice and bedtime stories for anything. 
Sisters are sooooo good at getting toys, clothes, diapers- you name it!- when you ask.  I notice that Riley is more of the peacemaker.  If she sees Vivian or Luke upset, she comes over with a toy to help.  She's the sharer.  Vivian gets so mad and upset, while Riley is much more chill. 
They both are very patient when it comes to dinner time (usually).  Maybe because they are use to not getting 100% of our attention at the drop of a hat. 
They have a little car that Riley likes to push Vivian in.  And Vivian lets go and has the biggest smile on her face as Riley pushes her around - fast.  Sometimes I'm a little worried they are going to crash right into the wall, but so far, so good ;)  
Such good kids!  Almost 18 months old.  Unbelievable.  They are getting close saying more words everyday.  They are both really good at 'Doooog' and "Ma!' and 'night-night' and 'all done'.   They do great 'Mu-awh!'s when they blow kisses, too. 
Everyday is pretty awesome and amazing to think I have 3 children.  Better than my wildest dreams!!!

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