Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Where did December go?

Goodbye 2013, hello 2014!

I've been feeling better, so that helps alot, and Luke has been great.  He's playful, sweet, cranky, & lovable all at the same time.  As for me, I'm a little over 26weeks.  I go back this Friday 1/10.  Can't wait to see their sweet little faces again.  I feel them all the time.  Baby A is still quite the kicker, Baby B is more chill.  Getting a little more uncomfortable, hard time sleeping.  But I'm so tired! But keeping my eyes on the prize.

I celebrated my 37th birthday with a surprise from Matt - Justin Timberlake tix! It was an awesome concert. Baby B sure like his music b/c that baby kicked the whole time. So I'm thinking a little Justin or Justine?!

Christmas was magical!  We did the Polar Express w/all the Weavers, had a bouncy party on the Rody's Ne-Ne and Pop-Pop got for them, spent Christmas Eve at my parents and Christmas Day at my Grandma's.  Lots of people, food, fun, presents!  But how come everyone else's presents are more fun than your own?!   That is what Luke thought at least.  And he got some great gifts- puzzles, books, blocks, cars, toy drill, little computer game, clothes, etc.  SPOILED!  But that's ok, he is only a baby once...and he's barely a baby anymore! 

NYE Luke had his 2nd ever ear infection :(  The 2 nights before he was up every hour or so and just not himself.  Thankfully our dr.'s office has walk in hours on NYE, so I went in there, found out that's what he had (along with pink eye??) and got him on amoxicillin and he was back to his fiesty self in now time.  We at a pizza party w/cousins at Great Grandma's then a slumber party at Grandma & Grandpa's with Claire & Ruby.  Up all night.  Yikes.   Then back to Great Grandma's for the whole family to ring in the New Year on New Year's Day. 

Shocking, but Luke's favorite word is still no!!!  And his little independence side comes out more frequently.  He's definitely opinionated.  Lots of energy, but still is up for a good snuggle here & there.  His new thing is building 'big castles' with his mega blocks Aunt Tracey got him for Christmas.  And playing cars. Vrrrrooommmm!

He is a good helper most of the time.  He does like to help me dust, but mostly wants me to spray the Pledge and he goes over the same spot. 

2014 is going to be amazing.  I look back at 2013 and can't believe it's over.  I can't believe all we have gone through.  Luke turned 1!!!  We had great vacations, we found out we were expecting.  We found out we are expecting twins!!  Purdue games, Pacers games,  friends, family, weddings, new much to be thankful for and so much to look ahead to!! Blessed beyond words!

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