Thursday, July 11, 2013

So fun

What new challenges and fun this baby boy brings everyday! We had a Happy 4th of July! A nice run in the morning on the Monon and ran into Baby Grace and walked with her a bit.  Then Daddy got home and we all went to the new Firehouse Subs place for a yummy lunch then a fun walk to Opti Park, where he played on all the fun equipment.  He definitely loves the slide and the balance beam.   Then we grilled out with the Armstrongs!
This one's for you, 'Merica!
Goals :

My goal is to break him of his paci by 18 months. He only uses it at night and in the car/stroller.  I haven't been giving it to him in the car as much and I try not to in the stroller as well.  Some days he notices he doesn't have it, other days, he's just blabbing and singing not even thinking about it.

Start working on colors - he loves to read his book and point to pics / objects, but need to get those colors down!

3 words that best describe this phase in his life:

What he is up to:

New sayings: peek-a-boo, yuck!
loves to pick up toys/ things/ trash & throws it away
And my favorite so far:  he kissed me on the lips when I asked him!  And now he does that to everyone when I tell him to give kisses and say bye-bye.  It used to be just blowing kisses, now he marches right up to them hugs and gives a kiss.  Melts my heart.
Hey Ruby, look!  Let me read to you.  

We had a GREAT time at Brown County- except the first night of sleep.  He was out of his element and him and Ruby took turns screaming / crying for a couple of hours night time.  ugh.  They had little fits when Claire made a game of taking the toy away from one of them and giving it to the other.  Classic.  Had fun in the water park and nice long walk through the state park (he slept the whole time).   But it was nice prep for our Lake Michigan vacation coming up in a couple of weeks.  I cannot wait to see him on the beach, playing with his cousins, soaking up the sun!  I think it's going to be such a blast.  I know at times it will be challenging but I'm ready as I'll ever be.  We just have such a great routine at home but I'm also glad he's so chill and flexible that he's up for any adventure.   Next week Pam is on vacation so I hope he doesn't get too out of sorts before the big trip!!

DJ Luke : You want me to play that song?! 

This upcoming weekend we will do Walk-for-Wishes with baby Grace and Caden.  And we will go see the family for Ruby's official 1st birthday party. 

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