Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday

1.  We have lots and lots to be thankful for, but we found out that this spring we will be doubly blessed.  2 little Baby Weavers are growing in my belly!

2.  Luke continues to be a happy, independent, sweet boy.  And no is still a fave word.  If he doesn't want to do something, just leave him alone. 

3.  When he says 'mom!' or 'momma' it's the sweetest sound ever.

4.  He discovered the joys of coloring. And loves his bucket and collecting things.

5.  We have a little tykes slide in our living room now (will go outside when it gets warm again) and he loves sliding on it.  Wheee!!!

6.  His little Purdue chair is a fave.  He'll get his sippy cup and gold fish and take a load off.

7.   When you ask Luke if he wants a baby brother or a baby sister (or maybe he'll get both) he's been saying sister.  But not quite sure he understands what is going on. He sees my rapidly expanding belly and I tell him I have 2 babies in there and he usually says 'no!'. 

8.  If he falls / bumps himself, he gets the sweetest, most pitiful face and says 'ouch, hurts!' then runs over for a kiss and hug.  Which he then follows with 'better!'.   Hugs and kisses really do make everything better!  He did go through the phase of no matter what was hurt  he would say 'oh, my back!' holding onto his back (my back was out for a bit so I must have said that alot).  But a hug and kiss still fixes it. 

9.   LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  He really interacts with it (Hi Mickey!  Donald!  Daisy!)  and is so excited when he's on.  Sophia the First and Jake and the Neverland Pirates are ok with him, too.  But Mickey is his fave. 

10.  He's been trying to sing a lot in the car lately and if there is a song on the radio he does not like he says 'no, not that song!' and makes me flip it until I find one he likes or I just put it on sports radio and he's ok. 
A selfie- he did good!

Monday, October 28, 2013

21 months old today!!

Such a big boy!!  And he's sooooo funny.  And he's 21 months old.  We have been been busy the last month learning so many new words, trying new things, went to the Haunted Mansion at the Children's Museum, story time at the library, a hayride and Halloween party with the Carlyles, a night w/the Weavers at Little Sisters of the Poor,  coloring,  Emma's birthday party.  Busy, busy, busy.  He is a great helper cleaning up, throwing things away, etc.    Each day he gets less and less baby and more and more big boy!!!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

18 months old!

18 and life You got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it's
18 and life to go
-Skid Row

I love that song and have been singing it to myself ever since Luke turned 18 months old July 28th!
Yep, I love blueberries!

I think he is reaching 'the terrible twos' or just the fact he really has an opinion on things!

'Nooooo!' or a quick 'no!' are probably the most heard expressions in our house that comes out of his sweet mouth.  However, he just likes to say it and he usually means yes.  Are you hungry?  'No!' Real sweet and real quick, then he askes for a 'breakfast bar.'  So he's trying to get the hang of it.

Also, he HATES to change his clothes (either take them off or put them on) and still will hardly let you change his diaper.

We had his 18 month check up Friday 08/02 - he was a little more clingy than usual and lots of tears with even the simple things of letting her check his ears and heart.  Holding him down for his shots was bad too, but once he got them, he was fine.  He really liked the bandaids!  He is right on target for everything (words, skills, etc.) so that's always great to hear.

Weight:  25 lbs - 41%
Length:  33 inches - 70%
Head:     49 cm - 81%

Was really surprised how 'little' his weight was because I feel like that boy eats constantly.  But he is a busy little body who loves to run, run, run.  He's started kicking the soccer ball more and really playing with his train and cars.   Loves his blueberries and getting home and sitting/laying on the kitchen floor to eat them.  Where did he learn that? 

I'm silly!

We had the Lemming Christmas in July in August (08/03) softball game and he was great!  He played with Carter (who's 3) & Ruby, picked up apples, ran around, kicked the ball, and just was a good little buddy.  Then headed to the Indians' game that night with Meyer Najem.  We didn't get to hang out with Brady as much as we hoped.  He really was 'paying attention' to the game and would get excited and clap.  It was so cute to see him and to think last year he was just in the stroller or our laps the whole time!   

Go Indians!!

The next day went to Ian & Sonia's Lakehouse where he played with Evan, swam in relaxation station, and took a good 2 hour nap!  We even stopped at the Dairy Barn on the way home and he got a nice treat.  He makes the funniest faces when he has ice's cold!

Tuesday 08/06 we took a half day to take Luke to the Indiana State Fair.  It was humid, but he was good. Wanted to be out and about a lot.  He got to pet baby calves, that was the cutest!  It was National Night Out as well so after the fair we did some BR events- he even got interviewed on Fox59 news (ok, so maybe it was Daddy, but he was holding Luke).  :)

Can't believe the summer is coming to a close.  I feel like we did lots of fun stuff this summer!  And I hope Luke agrees.  Soon it will be football season....bring it on!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What a trip!

We had a FABULOUS vacation!!! Michigan City was a blast.  Rough the first couple of nights getting into a new routine, but all in all, good stuff.

We went to the Washington Zoo, lots of runs/walks around MC, the house we stayed at & resort property was great, and of course, lots & lots of beach time.  He loved to play in the sand and to watch the sea gulls.  Also, the water was wonderful!  No fear.  We went to the Dunes, outlet mall, numerous trips to the skate park & playground, and the adults even got to go to the casino one night.   But I have to say cousin lovin' was the best.  Seeing Luke interact with them all was so much fun.  What a little guy!!
Man, I love that Trey Man!

And I swear, an explosion of words - including 'Sir, yes, Sir!'   Too cute!  But hearing 'no!' a lot more too.  Yikes. 

We took lots and lots of pictures.  Trying to go through them now and get a photo book put together.

We are thankful for the opportunity we had to spend with all the Weavers!!! Here's hoping this becomes an annual tradition. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

So fun

What new challenges and fun this baby boy brings everyday! We had a Happy 4th of July! A nice run in the morning on the Monon and ran into Baby Grace and walked with her a bit.  Then Daddy got home and we all went to the new Firehouse Subs place for a yummy lunch then a fun walk to Opti Park, where he played on all the fun equipment.  He definitely loves the slide and the balance beam.   Then we grilled out with the Armstrongs!
This one's for you, 'Merica!
Goals :

My goal is to break him of his paci by 18 months. He only uses it at night and in the car/stroller.  I haven't been giving it to him in the car as much and I try not to in the stroller as well.  Some days he notices he doesn't have it, other days, he's just blabbing and singing not even thinking about it.

Start working on colors - he loves to read his book and point to pics / objects, but need to get those colors down!

3 words that best describe this phase in his life:

What he is up to:

New sayings: peek-a-boo, yuck!
loves to pick up toys/ things/ trash & throws it away
And my favorite so far:  he kissed me on the lips when I asked him!  And now he does that to everyone when I tell him to give kisses and say bye-bye.  It used to be just blowing kisses, now he marches right up to them hugs and gives a kiss.  Melts my heart.
Hey Ruby, look!  Let me read to you.  

We had a GREAT time at Brown County- except the first night of sleep.  He was out of his element and him and Ruby took turns screaming / crying for a couple of hours night time.  ugh.  They had little fits when Claire made a game of taking the toy away from one of them and giving it to the other.  Classic.  Had fun in the water park and nice long walk through the state park (he slept the whole time).   But it was nice prep for our Lake Michigan vacation coming up in a couple of weeks.  I cannot wait to see him on the beach, playing with his cousins, soaking up the sun!  I think it's going to be such a blast.  I know at times it will be challenging but I'm ready as I'll ever be.  We just have such a great routine at home but I'm also glad he's so chill and flexible that he's up for any adventure.   Next week Pam is on vacation so I hope he doesn't get too out of sorts before the big trip!!

DJ Luke : You want me to play that song?! 

This upcoming weekend we will do Walk-for-Wishes with baby Grace and Caden.  And we will go see the family for Ruby's official 1st birthday party. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

17 months old!

Luke is now 17 months old and there has been an explosion of words:  up!  I want down! 1-2-3!  Go down! I want water! Pllleeeeaaassseee!  He shakes his head no for yes and yes for no.  Silly boy. 

Something I forgot until Baby Jacob came along- Luke used to always have his meltdown hour.  He was fed, he had slept, he didn't want to be held, didn't want to rock, just wanted to cry.  So every day, usually around 5 pm, we let him cry.  At first, it was painful. Because natural reaction is to make baby better and try to soothe him.  But once we learned there was nothing we could do, the better it was for everyone.  I think about sweet Charlie dog.  He would look at us like ' What is going on- please go help that kid!!'  But Luke needed to get whatever it was out of his system and there was no stopping him. 

And since he turned 17 months old, that seems like forever ago.  I think of him now only crying when he's hungry or tired.   But then I was reminded of it, and man, it took me right back there and it doesn't truly seem that long ago. 

We get out of the car when we get home from Pam's and he loves to stop and smell the flowers.  Except he recently has started to try to eat the flowers. 

Maybe mommy won't notice me trying to sneak a bite!
We are gearing up for the 4th of July and our Brown County get away!! Should be fun! 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thankful Thursday

1. We had an awesome Father's Day!  We love Daddy very much! We went to Grandma & Grandpa's to celebrate with everyone.  Luke even "ran thru" the sprinkler to cool off on such a hot & humid day.  Actually, he just stood near it. But close enough.

2.  Baby Jacob James is here!!  We are beyond happy that baby boy Armstrong made it here safe & sound!!   We visited him at the hospital while Luke went to Uncle Dave & Aunt Chris'.   Totally in love with him already.

3.  We took Luke to the North Willow pool for the first time- and it was a lot of fun! He wasn't so sure about the life jacket at first, but he loved being in the water and splashing once he got used to it.  And he loved to watch the older kids jump off the diving board. Will he be a little swimmer like Daddy!?  Hope so!

4.  We went to Jalin's graduation party - where they had a photo booth and little kids for him to play with.  Then we went to Gretchen's party where he played with more little kiddies and he was a trooper!  Long day for him.

5.  Trey turned 15 and we went to the Carlyle's for his party.  Loved to see all the cousins but missed Aunt Laura & Raya. 

6.  Luke had a bit of the sniffles, poor buddy.  Snotty nose and a little cough, waking up and crying himself back to sleep.  But overall, still a happy boy.

7.  We are gearing up for a weekend in a cabin in Brown County with my family.  It's part of their 40th anniversary gift. Should be a lot of fun!!

8.  Matt's parents left for Spain where they will be doing a 75 mile pilgrimage.  Should be a great trip and can't to hear all about it when they come back. 

9.  Hard to believe but Ruby will be ONE years old next week!!!  What a sweetie and so glad Luke  has another cousin so close in age. 

10.  Thankful everyday for Luke and praying for another one to add to our family.  I've been trying to keep the faith as I have been in a little funk lately.  However if it is not in God's plan, we pray for the peace and understanding.  It took almost 5 years for Luke to come along and it's only been almost 17 months, right?  

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

1. Matt & I just celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary!!  Some days it seems like we've been together forever (10 total, but met him in fall of 1998) yet some days it's amazing how quickly the last 7 years have gone by.  

2.  We took Luke to the splash pad and he had a blast!!  It was great to run into a couple of mommys I have met and their little boys too! 

3.  Luke had some poopy diapers on Sunday and an upset belly- and some screaming fits.  At first I thought it was an ear infection but I hope it's just teething.  Poor thing.  He was fine after a couple of hours but just wanted to be held.  Which is fine by me!!

4.  Gearing up for Ruby's 1st birthday- that does not seem possible.  Seriously! 

5.  Chuck & Linda celebrated 50 years of marriage on June 8th.  So great to see so many of the Lemming side there! Luke was great playing with the toys at the kiddie table.

6.  Julie & Jason rode up w/us to "heeeeey Chuck & Linda!" 's anniversary bash.  We ate at Pepe's before. yum, yum.

7.  Raymond James once again sponsored a water tent at Out Run the Sun for Melanoma research.  Matt played music, I passed out water, and Luke played with little friends Noah & Eli.

8.  Luke is getting very vocal of 'I want more' but it's more of a hand gesture and a 'uhwanem, uhwanem' as fast as he can. 

9.  Weston graduated from HS and we went to this open house.  Lots of room to play and roam.  He was a very good boy.

10.  The Pacers season ended in game 7 vs. Heat.  Boo!   But what a season!!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Happy 40th Anniversary!

My parents celebrated 40 years of marriage on June 2nd.  To celebrate we (all and Grandma) went to Mountain Jack's to a wonderful lunch.  We were in a private room so the kids could roam.  Luke looked quite handsome in his bow-tie :)
10 years old, 16 months, 9 years old, and a couple of days shy of 11 months old.  Getting big!
Uh-oh! I found my nose :)
Just the 3 of us!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Sweet 16 (months)!!

Luke turned 16 months old on Tuesday, May 28th.  And oh, man, is he getting to be a big boy.  No longer do I see this little baby, but I am seeing a full on little boy.  When did this happen?  I have no idea!

He has become such the climber- he can climb on & off the couch, tries to get in his highchair when he wants to eat, and into the stroller when he's ready to go. 

Look at me- I'm on the couch!!
Feed me!  Now! 

He can be as sweet as can be but he can also turn on you in a flash if he doesn't get his way right then and there.  Oh, dear.

We have been keeping busy with friends, baby showers, watching the Pacers games.  We went to the Indianapolis Zoo, had playdates at the park,  went to the Pacers pep rally and got pictures with Boomer, Rik Smits and Billy Keller, celebrated cousins' birthdays and so on.  We survived a week without daddy as he was in TX for his nerd conference.  But all and all, it's been a wonderful May! And June will be just as busy with graduation parties and Grandma & Grandpa's 40th wedding anniversary. 

Charlie's 1st birthday party!! 

Luke is still super busy when trying to change him, and doesn't like to be told no.  He flirts with all the pretty girls. He has also started waving at strangers and going 'hi!' when we are running on the Monon.    And he really started noticing his curls b/c he will mess with his hair. 
                                           Claire's 9th birthday - Ruby was taking a nap!

He says 'banana'  'breakfast bar' 'milk' 'water'  'apple'- or at least we know that is what he is saying.  Still loves cottage cheese, running around crazy, books, wears 12- 18 month size clothes,  Crocs,  gets so hot and sweaty when outside, likes the stroller and saying 'woof, woof' when he sees doggies.
Anxiously awaiting Baby Boy Armstrong for another little buddy.  Saw sweet Maggie Anne last week and need to go see Baby Grace.  Awww...babies, babies, babies.  Hopefully it will be our turn for #2 soon, but until then, just enjoying my little buddy!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

15 months old!!

We just got back from Luke's 15 month appointment- and he's growing!

Weight: 24 lbs - 43%
Height:  31 1/4 inches - 55%
Head:     47.4 - 56%

I always like our appointments so we can talk w/the doctor and nurses and just make sure everything is ok.  We will go ahead with the urologist and get things done, he had 2 shots that he was more upset about before they actually poked him.  Then a long hug and a graham cracker made him all better!  Just need to get him to actually start saying some words besides 'uh-oh!' and 'oh no!'.  But he does like to babble. And he knows what you are saying and takes commands well.  Blows kisses and loves to run up to you and go 'up!'.   Such a sweetheart.

Great sleeper (yay!) and great eater!  He really pays attention to the outside noises and the cars going by when he's in the carseat. Still a wiggly worm when it comes to diaper & outfit changes. 

The Onesie says it all!
This picture was from last night on the porch.  He was sporting his Pacers wrist band as we watched them go up 3-2 in the Playoffs last night vs. Atlanta!  Game 6 on Friday.  Go Pacers!  
Play date tomorrow and Monday.  Weekend at my parents & with the Booths for an early Mother's Day.  Should be fun!  We've been having great weather.  We went to the park and had a picnic Tuesday night.  He loved to run around and see all the other kiddos.
Love this boy!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rock me momma like a wagon wheel

It's been awhile since I have updated  Luke is now 14 months old. What?   No way.  Way!

Lots of adventures - birthday parties, an ICE hockey game, lots of runs and walks with mommy,  his 2nd Easter including a visit with the Easter Bunny and an egg hunt in BR, playing at the park, trip to the Children's Museum, and so much more.  And best of all we are very excited that finally he is sleeping through the night!! Thank goodness.  I was becoming concerned that he just wouldn't get it. 

Recently we had a stomach bug that caused a fever & tummy issues for a couple of days for him, then mommy, then daddy.  Yuck.  But even at his sickest he's still sweet as can be. 

Look how much we have grown....his little egg was as big as him last year!  Now look at it!
Mom, why did you do this to me??  Bunny Ears??
Easter 2012
A Bow-tie?  Oh, Mommy why?
Easter 2013

I cannot get over him.  He's so darn cute and sweet!  But when he gets mad, watch out! He's very into his graham crackers, and if you aren't quick enough it's not good.  And he's quite the eater.  Actually more like a rapid fire shoveler.  He is a good eater, except it scares me everytime how fast he eats.  Likes pretty much everything.  And did great transitioning from bottle to sippy cup.   He is no longer nursing at night, right after he turned 14 months, he was just done. And we've both been fine.

His hair is coming in as well....some days it is curlier than others.....

And look at this boy....awwwww.... I moose have a hug is right!! And yes, he is wearing Crocks.  Daddy picked them out for him and loves them. 
We went to the urologist and have some things to discuss and have his 15 month appointment in a couple of weeks.  Curious how big he is getting.  His belly gets BIG at night.   But he seems to be doing well and is healthy over all.  Only 2 earaches and this darn stomach bug, which all the kids at daycare (and their parents) had at some point! So all in all, not too bad. 
He blows kisses and says  'uh-oh' and 'oh, no!' He shakes his head yes or no and really does a lot of blabbing but no real words yet.  But when he grunts and points to something it is totally him saying  'I want this'  and he loves to sing and clap with me in the car.  Especially Darius Rucker's Wagon Wheel (yes, the rip off of Old Crowe Medicine Show).  We dance and sing to it whenever we can and when we aren't doing that, he's usually chilling.  In his Purdue shoes.  With a veggie straw. 
He's in his big boy car seat, still rear facing in my car, front facing in daddy's truck.  And he is fine so far either way. 
Books are still pretty much his favorite toys.  He loves to read, play with his DJ ball and work bench, and is becoming more and more aware of the iphone and ipad.  Yikes.  Loves bubbles and balls.  He got a basketball hoop for Easter and he's getting the hang of that.  Aw, just in time for the Pacers playoffs!
Luke has some more baby friends on the way with Baby Beebs, Boe #3, a and lil Mountainmaker all within the next few weeks!  We couldn't be happier!  
And to quote another fave Elvis song : I'm lovin' my baby...hey, hey, and my baby loves me!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Songs that remind me of Luke...

Eric Church - Springsteen

Blake Shelton - God Gave me You and Honey Bee

Elvis - Follow that Dream and Lovin' my baby

Florence and the Machine- Dog Days are over

Lumineers- Hey, ho!

Mumford and Sons- I will wait for you

Christina Perry- A thousand years

One Republic - Feel Again

Friday, February 1, 2013

365 days of Luke!!!

Luke is a ONE YEAR old!!!  We just had his ONE YEAR check-up today and he's doing great!!
Weight: 22 lbs 8 oz - 45%
Height:  30 in  - 55%
Head:  47 cm - 67%

He is doing a good job eating and has had a couple of nights he slept all night!!  We still nurse a little at night but it's more of a comfort thing.  We get home, play/eat/bath as needed/play, then go to bed around 7:30- 8:00 pm.   If it's nice, we try to get a run in.  Hoping it gets nice again soon, but this week we were able get out once.

He started walking on Sunday 01/27.  Just needed that extra confidence and he's getting better and better each day.  He is such a happy boy and so proud of himself. 

We found out this week our good friends will be having a boy in June.  So another little buddy for him to play with!  Aww!

We took him to the doctor on Sunday 01/27 after his birthday party b/c something wasn't right.  Sure enough it was an ear infection.  So we are hoping it was the 1st one that never fully healed.  But she checked it today and it is gone.  Whew!   However we need to take him to a urologist in April to check out his wee-wee. It gets 'hidden' which is ok, but Dr. Moore suggested we go. 

Clapping, singing, pushing cars around, loves balloons and bubbles, starting to love on his Winnie the Pooh lovie.  

Was a nice and precise cupcake eating birthday boy!! We had the party at my Grandma's the weekend before then this past weekend had a friends party on Saturday and Matt's family on Sunday.  They both turned out wonderfully.  It was good excuse to thank our friends for everything this past year.  It's been an amazing journey and they have been with us from the beginning.  We have a baby!! Who is no longer technically a baby, but you get me.  I would love nothing more than to expand our little family but whatever is His plans I will accept and be grateful for.  I cannot help but think how quickly this first year went. Sometimes it seemed sooooo long, and other things have just flown by.  We say our prayers for Luke to continue to grow big and strong and happy & healthy so he can have a long, happy life.  Because really that is what it is all about. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Less than a week!!

Less than a week away from Luke's 1st birthday and he's already had lots of practice! Playdate w/Cami & Reid, January birthday party at Great Grandma's to celebrate Alek (5), Brian (39) and Grandpa (59). Then a friends' party this Saturday and Matt's family on Sunday. Whew! I'm exhausted thinking about it. Cookie Monster theme has been super fun to plan.  Nom, nom, nom. Here's a sneak peak....  Can't wait!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Almost a year old....

We had first Thanksgiving, first Christmas, turned 11 months old, then had a first New Years!  Oh,  what fun it has been!  We also had a first ear infection, not so much fun.  But I noticed around Christmas he was just wasn't the same but I was thinking it had more to do with his front teeth trying to poke through.  Well, we took him to the dr. the day after New Year's Day and lo and behold, it was an ear infection.  Amoxicillion for 10 days  twice a day, and it's been doing the trick. 
Still not walking, but man he cruises around, crawls so fast, and does this half walk/half crawl scoot.  And when he tries to sit himself down, he does it very cautiously, not an awkward plop! He loves to eat now.  He tries to grab what we eat.  Veggie straws, yogurt, puffs, waffles are his favorites.  
I love bathtime!!
Yep, 11 months old.  Wanna play?

Slowly but surely is my hair coming in!