Sisters, you are growing!!
Riley Vivian
38 lbs. 9.6 oz 36% 38 lbs. 12.8 oz 37%
43 inches 46% 43.25 inches 54%
BMI 14.7 35% BMI 14.6 32%
It always makes me chuckle that Vivian is 'bigger'. I feel like Riley is but she's not. And Riley was 'bigger' at birth so it's just funny to me.
They were big, brave girls talking to the doctor. They answered all the questions, passed their hearing and vision tests, and survived their 2 shots they needed. A lot of tears for a few minutes, but nothing stickers couldn't fix.
Summer camp is already almost half way over. We are going to WV for Weaver Family vacation next Friday July 5th (Ruby's 7th birthday).
When my thoughts are more clear I'll write of Grandma Fellure's passing. It still doesn't seem real and just can't even think about her without crying. I miss her so much.