Thursday, April 26, 2018

4 year check up

We had the sisters' 4 year appointment.

Riley is 33.2 lbs    33%
39.75 inches          44%
BMI  14.8              33%

Vivian is 34 lbs       40%
40 inches                 57%
BMI  14.9                36%  

It's always so funny to me because I feel like Riley is 'bigger'.  But they are pretty much the same, with the slight edge to Vivian.

They were the cutest and sweetest girls.  Blabbing with the doc and nurses.  They did such a good job.  It helped that Vivian had a slight fever so they didn't have a shot.  But now we have to go back next week to get it.  We will see how sweet they will be then.  :(