So Friday March 28th I had my last appointment with Dr. Henderzahs and he was like - ok, see you Monday for your c-section! ' I still had a hard time believing I was going to make it to 38 weeks and the scheduled c-section that had been in the books for weeks! I kinda thought that weekend my water would break because it seemed so strange for it to work out so planned.
That weekend was our last hurrah as the 3 of us. Plus I had taken the week off before b/c Pam was on vacation, so Luke & I had our last just mommy & Luke time before the twins got here. Not that I could do alot, but it was nice to be home with him and prepare. We went out for dinner that Saturday night but Sunday noticed Luke had pink eye so we had to go to the dr. So our plan of taking him to daycare was out the window. The back up plan became Virlee would come to our house that morning to stay with Luke while we went to the hospital. It was scheduled for 10 am but we had to be there at 8 am.
We left that morning around 7:30 and got there in time to get me prepped. All the nurses were excited that we were having twins and floored when we said we didn't know the gender. They all couldn't believe it! They were as excited as us to find out what we were having. Of course, I got sick right before they put me on the table to wheel me in the OR. There were lots of nurses who were going to be in there 1. because of it being twins 2. because of my transabdominal cerclage (TAC). None had seen one in person. And some of them hadn't heard about it when they were prepping me, so I was telling them all about it!
Once I got in there they gave me the epidural and the dr. and Matt came in at some point. I just remember they were playing great songs and "Let's hear it for the boy' came on, so I thought it was a sign we were having 2 boys :) and I was sick still so I just wanted to not get sick, but I did. Matt was chatting with Dr. H the whole time- asking questions, talking cable TV, anything- and looking at everything. So it was 10:08 am they called it and began. I just kept praying. Then they shout "10:14 am Baby A is out! " Dr to Matt what is it? Matt goes 'it's a girl!' and I just was crying and thinking 'a girl!?' then I hear '10:15 am Baby B is out" and they show me the baby this time and dr again says what is it? Matt goes 'Another girl!' I was stunned!! TWO girls!? Then I quickly was asking - are they ok? how big are they? - I could see them in the isolates to my side but it was such a whirlwind.
'They are great! All is good!" BABY A 6 lbs 9 oz!! What!? Whoa. BABY B 5 lbs 15 oz! Holy cow!! Amazing. God is good. So I kept looking at them the whole time while they stitched me up. I was in shock. And still sick a little. Come 11 am I am ready to be wheeled to the room and I am holding them both! No NICU. Perfect.
Riley Adaline Weaver was Baby A 6 lbs 9 oz 19 1/4 inches long. Baby B was Vivian Rose 5 lbs 15 oz 19 inches. I wish she would have been 6 lbs :) But still 12 1/2 pounds of baby!!
I can't remember if we named them in the OR (we actually had 2 girls names decided and agreed upon, so another reason I figured we would have boys :)) or when we got back to the room. I had told my parents and sister & brother-in-law not to get there until after 1 so we could give ourselves some time. But when we got situated back in the room, it was time to bring them in. They all tiptoe in and looking around to see any clues on if they were girls or boys or girl/boy! I go '2 girls!!' And everyone gasped!! It's still shocking!
We had a hard time keeping track of who was who. So we really had to check the isolate or their bracelets. They looked alot alike, except Riley has an angel kiss on her forehead and was 1/2 lb heavier.
I continued to get sick everynow and then, but nursed them, held them and Matt parents then came to visit. It was such a blur!! Scott & Laura and family came too at some point. The Carlyles were on spring break but Matt called them with the news of 2 girls -and they also were in disbelief!! I called my sister Tracey and my Grandma so they could get the news before we texted people. Grandma's middle name is Adaline and I heard her do a double take when I told her Riley Adaline.
The C-section recovery itself wasn't that bad. Thankfully. Was able to get up and walking soon, so that was key. And the shower was glorious!
Luke came on Wednesday morning to meet the girls. It was adorable. He was a little timid but was glad I wasn't connected to machines or in bed. I was dressed and able to hand him the girls. He was precious!! He held them both- at the same time- and it was the sweetest thing ever. And it was true, when I left him he was my baby, but when he came back he was my BIG boy!! They came and visited me after work that day too and had dinner with me, so that was good.
I stayed in the hospital Monday - Thursday and had lots of visitors! - Tindalls, Ian, Maggie, Kirsten, Armstrongs!
It's so amazing that I had another pregnancy, and that once again, made it to full term, and that they were twins! Now, 12 weeks after the fact and back to my pre-pregnancy weight (though it's just distributed way differently) and to work, it kinda doesn't seem real. I only gained about 42 lbs with them and worked right up until the end - though I came home and took it easy - that is amazing how your body can bounce back so quickly. Nursing them for 2 months helped but then had to be done, I couldn't keep up and just felt so tied down. And now I enjoy being able to vaccuum and clean and not be so dependent on Matt to get me things and to do things. I love being able to do it again myself!!
We are adjusting to life as a family of 5. Those first few weeks were ROUGH. The lack of sleep, constant crying, trying to understand their needs, juggling Luke, but we got / are getting through it! With the help of family and friends - life savers, indeed!!- it's manageable. And I continue to say the same prayers - keep them healthy, safe, happy, and loved - and we can do anything.
God has a sense of humor. That quote is so beyond true. If 3 1/2 years ago you would have told me I would have 3 kids today I wouldn't have believed you. We were in the midst of our infertility struggle and just did not seem possible. And then for us to have Luke - our true Dream Weaver, that was awesome. And then to have these 2 Sweet Dreams......incredible.
Riley Adaline
Vivian Rose