Getting so big!!
This picture was taken at Luke's b-day party- look how big they are all getting!! And to think there will be 3 more in that picture come June 2014!
Speaking of big, Luke had his 2 year check-up on Jan 29th. He is 28 lbs 11 oz (60%) up 3 1/2 lbs from his 18 month appointment and 35 1/2 inches (79%) up 2 1/2 inches! So we are doing something right- whew! It was making me a little nervous because some nights he is such a good eater and other nights, doesn't really bother. We had been super fortunate he has been pretty healthy all year- just that ear infection around NYE and sniffles here and there. However, of course, he then on Thursday the 30th had a fever and wasn't able to go to daycare on Friday. But he was completely fine acting - besides interrupted sleeping for the 2 nights prior. So we had to cancel his portrait session- but looking forward to rescheduling it soon.
He loves cheese! He would eat a block of it a day if I let him. He'll go through phases of eating noodles, mac & cheese, chicken, etc. And I introduced little white powdered doughnuts to him on the weekends. He LOVES those!
Watching him interact more with other kids, sharing, talk more, counting, coloring, building big castles with his mega blocks - it's all so fun! And his new hit song he sings with me in the car Passenger's 'Let her go' or 'Hallelujuiah!'
He had his first haircut the weekend before he turned two-aah! He did good. It was a little overwhelming at first, but thankfully it didn't last too long and Cookie Cutters did a good job. I was worried his curly-Qs would be gone, but they bounced back perfectly! I will have to post a picture soon (I'm having problems posting more than one pic per blog for some reason today).
It's funny to hear him when I ask if he wants a brother or sister- so far it's always sister! Or if I say both he says both. He does look at my expanding belly and I know he's gotta be like 'what in the world is going on!?'
Jeff & Amy came into town for superbowl weekend and we got to meet sweet little Miss Olivia and Mr. Gavin. Precious! It was a bit chaotic having everyone over and their kids, but it was a lot of fun to see Luke play with the big kids (Natalie and Jack) and how concerned he was about the babies (them crying, them need bottle). I think he will be a GREAT big brother who is so sweet and helpful!
And as always, Chris and Dave (and all the boys) are a God send. They are always willing to help out and take him. And I know how much he loves them and how much fun he has with them so it makes it a little easier when mommy needs to rest or (try) to get stuff done!
I love my little buddy! And looking forward to the additions and the exciting changes it will bring!