Friday, November 30, 2012

10 months old!

Cheese!! I'm such a happy boy.

November has been a busy month that has flown by.  First year anniversaries to our good friends, family gatherings, football games, good bye parties and our first family 5k walk!

Luke turned 10 months old November 28th!!  Double digits- whooomp whoomp!   And he finally has teeth!! 2 little bottom teeth poked through.  We celebrated our 1st Thanksgiving with the Sunday before at Great Grandma's, Thanksgiving Day at Great Aunt Janice & Great Uncle Vic's, then the Sunday after at Ne-Ne and Pop-Pop's!  Love to be around all the family!! So many new things to discover, people to love on, and room to roam. Aaaah, the life of an adorable, happy baby boy.   You can just feel the love and happiness.  Look at that face.  Love.

We got to spend time too with Ruby, Emma, & Claire the weekend before Thanksgiving as we watched another Purdue victory over Illinois on Nov. 17th!

Good looking group!
November 18th we spent the evening at Aunt Laura's and Uncle Scotty's with Raya & Charlie as mommy & daddy went to Matt & Jenn's wedding.  He had a great time with them as usual.  And we got to see everyone again the night before Thanksgiving to celebrate Uncle Scotty's 33rd birthday.  Aunt Chris wasn't feeling well but everyone else was there and Luke had a fun time trying to keep up with Trey, Tripp, & Tagg.  And man, he just loves Uncle Dave.
Thanksgiving morning!! Fishers 5k! Had a great time walking with the Habels!
 It was cold that morning but I stayed nice and snuggly warm. Love the bib. Yep, I am #1. Second to none.

Had a fun, quick day for the Purdue-IU Oaken Bucket game Saturday November 24th. Grandma & Grandpa watched him, then met Aunt Laurie at Pepe's, then home again. We were in such a great mood thanks to another Boilermaker victory!

                                                                I love Aunt Laurie!!! xoxox

Our routine is still going to bed by 7:30 - but some nights it's a little earlier thanks to daylight savings.  We get home around 5:50 pm and it's dark dark by 6:00.  zzzzz.....  Getting up once in the middle of the night though, then up around 6:30 or so for the start of the day. Weening off of bf after the Great Bite of 2012. I think I jumped / screamed that it scared him. He did it once more and his over all wiggly distracted feedings have made it an easy choice to ease out of it! I only pump once a day at work and now it's kinda right before bed I'll feed him and in the morning. So I think we did a pretty good job. Very happy with everything.

Won't sit still anymore for mommy to take my picture- I love to be on the move. 
Standing along furniture, cruising, grabbing every non-toy around (his faves are paper, our cell phones, the remotes, and toilet paper rolls). Stood on his own for a few brief seconds- curious when he'll take that first step!

And not just during this season of Thanksgiving, but honestly every day, we cannot thank God enough that Luke came into our lives.  We are thankful for our family and friends and all the blessings. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

9 months old!

Well, Luke has officially been out of my belly as long as he was in it!  He turned 9 months old on Sunday, Oct. 28th and it was on a Colts game day- Go Horse! was cold out, so I'll just lay down.

I mean, I love these leaves!

What a pumpkin face!

Weight:  21.4 lbs -        61%
Height:   29 inches -     71%
Head:     46.4 cm -        77%

He had his 9 month appointment on Election Day 11/06/2012 and it went well (not the election, in my opinion, though)!  He is still bf, in size 3 diapers, pulls himself up, stands on his own, he cruises along the furniture/coffee table, crawls fast all over the place, da-da, ga-ga, still no ma-ma :(  But he babbles. Alot.  He does love to crawl as fast as he can away from me and plays 'momma gonna get you'.  Claps his hands, eats puffs and baby food pretty well.  Loves to try to eat leaves.  Great in the stroller on our runs, but getting a little wiggly to put in the carseat.  And SUPER squirmy when changing his didey and clothes.  I mean, super.  Still about 7:30 pm down to sleep and wakes up once a night, trying to break him of that, then back to sleep until we get up.  Oh, and a tooth FINALLY kinda, sorta poked through! I can feel it. Yay- so he won't be toothless!!  But then that means he is really getting to be a big boy.   We have so much fun in the car on the way home from daycare- we sing, we clap, we blab, or sometimes we just sleep (not me, just Luke) and zone out while listening to country music. Ah, that's my boy!
 Everyday is a milestone, everyday is an adventure, everyday I can't wait to wake up and kiss on him and then get him home to snuggle on him!! We say our prayers everyday thanking God for him and blessing our family and I let him know what Luke means to me.  We had the LUKE banner over his changing table when he was a baby (and when he would just lay there)and everyday would tell him L is for Love. Mommy & daddy and so many people love you so much.  U is for Unique. There is only one you.  K is for Kind.  Mommy wants you to be a kind, sweet boy. E is for Extraordinary.  You can do anything in the world you want to.  Now it's replaced with the ABC quilt and we do the Z is for Zebra that we will see at the Zoo, E is for the Elephant, etc.  As long as he is safe, loved, and growing, that's all I ask for.  For now.  Then when he gets older, maybe be a doctor or something :)